Brooktrout Driver

The driver requirements are:  Brooktrout 6.7.5  Brooktrout 6.7.5x64 (this is a required add-on you need to run after installing boston-6-7-5.msi) NoteThe Brooktrout 6.7.5 drivers support the Microsoft Windows 2012 x64 server operating system. ID: ZTN1562 This Zetafax technical note applies to: Zetafax Server version 2006 and 2006 SP1 Brooktrout Boston SDK 5.0 Summary This document provides you a step by step approach on how to upgrade Zetafax 2006 and 2006 SP1 to support the latest version of the Brooktrout drivers. This is required to provide support for some of the newer Brooktrout TR1034 and TruFax RoHS compliant. To upgrade to the latest Brooktrout Drivers, please perform the following steps: Contact technical support and request the latest Brooktrout driver version and then download it from the location provided. Extract the files from the download to a temporary folder. Shutdown the Zetafax Server and Zetafax Configuration programs.

  1. Brooktrout Tr114 Driver
  2. Gfi Brooktrout Drivers

Dialogic has changed its Brooktrout driver rebuild package to be GPL compliant so that the driver can be now be compiled. There was no issue with Red Hat/CentOS 7.5 and earlier versions. Fixed BRKT-930 - (Brooktrout Fax Boards and SR140) The brooktroutx64.msi file (64-bit library installation package) from 6.10.1 was not able to be installed.

Brooktrout driversBrooktrout

Beside normal fax modems and ISDN boards, ActFax also supports the complete product range of intelligent fax boards from the market leader Brooktrout/Dialogic. Since the drivers required for running Brooktrout/Dialogic fax boards are not shipped together with the fax board itself, the drivers need to be downloaded here. Take care to download and install the correct drivers, since the models TR114 and Trufax/non-RoHS and the models TR1000, TR1034 and Trufax/RoHS require different drivers.

Brooktrout Tr114 Driver

Description:Driver for Brooktrout/Dialogic TR1034, TR1000 and Trufax/RoHS fax boards. This driver needs to be installed on 32-bit as well as 64-bit systems on the fax server PC to use fax boards of the Brooktrout/Dialogic TR1034, TR1000 and Trufax/RoHS series with ActFax.
Operating System:Windows XP / 2003 / Vista / 2008 / 2012 / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 2016 / 2019
Language: Englisch
Version: BfvAPI Version 6.11.0 (requires ActFax Version 6.92 or newer)
File Type: Windows Installer MSI file
Download Size: 28,9 MB
Download File:
Description:64-bit driver add-on for Brooktrout/Dialogic TR1034, TR1000 and Trufax/RoHS fax boards. This driver add-on needs to be installed together with the normal driver to use fax boards of the Brooktrout/Dialogic TR1034, TR1000 and Trufax/RoHS series with ActFax 64-bit.
Operating System:Windows XP / 2003 / Vista / 2008 / 2012 / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 2016 / 2019 (x64)
Language: Englisch
Version: BfvAPI Version 6.11.03 (requires BfvAPI 6.11.0 driver)
File Type: Windows Installer MSI file
Download Size: 8,7 MB
Download File: bfvsetup_tr1034_x64_6110.msi (64-bit Windows only)
BrooktroutBrooktrout trxstream board driver

Gfi Brooktrout Drivers

Description:Driver for Brooktrout/Dialogic TR114 and Trufax/non-RoHS fax boards. This driver needs to be installed on the fax server to use fax boards of the Brooktrout/Dialogic TR114 and Trufax/non-RoHS series with ActFax.
Operating System:Windows XP / 2003
Language: Englisch
Version: BfvAPI Version 4.3
File Type: Executable self-extracting setup file
Download Size: 1,0 MB
Download File: bfvsetup_tr114.exe